In a time where the world needs kindness and connection, ShovelYXE is an example of how it doesn’t take much to make someone’s day. We invite you to join Omnee, as we pick up our shovels and spread the love throughout Saskatoon!
As Saskatonians, we already know you’re used to snow and shovelling. ShovelYXE is a way to pay it forward with neighbourly kindness. If you find a card in your mailbox, here’s what to do next:
1. Make note of your card number, so you remember to track your shovelling session.
2. Pay it forward by picking up your shovel and clearing a neighbour's walkways.
3. Drop the postcard in their mailbox to keep the trail going.
4. Head over to our card tracker (see below) and enter your card number to make sure we keep up with the growing trail!
Enter your card number here to see how many people have been a part of your shovel trail. Make note of your number, so you can check in again!
people have received postcards!
Waiting for your turn to get tagged? Be the first to start a chain of kindness in your neighbourhood.
Reach out to us on Instagram, Facebook, or email us at for a ShovelYXE postcard to start the shovelling trail!
1. Make note of your card number, so you remember to track your
shovelling session.
2. Pay it forward by picking up your shovel and clearing a neighbour's walkways.
3. Drop the
postcard in their mailbox to keep the trail going.
4. Head over to our card tracker (just scroll up!) and enter your card number to make sure we keep up with the growing trail!
If you have your own snowblower, you are welcome to use it. We do not encourage using equipment you do not own and are not familiar with. :)
The Card Tracker shows you both the total number of walkways shovelled in Saskatoon and the number of walkways shovelled in the trail from your card. After your shovelling session, enter your card number to update your shovel trail’s total count. To check back in on your card later in the season, you can enter your card number again.